About Path to Shine Ugly Pants Golf
St. Benedict's Annual Ugly Pants Golf Tournament to Benefit "Path to Shine", and other Outreach Programs at St Benedict's.
History of the Ugly Pants Golf Tournament
The 'Ugly Pants Golf Tournament began as an Outreach Ministry of St. Benedict's Episcopal Church in 2011.
The first three years, Ugly Pants Golf Tournament was held primary for the members of St. Benedict's Community. The funds raised from the Golf Tournament went to St Benedict's Outreach programs which included Path to Shine
In 2014 the Path to Shine Program and St. Benedict's has been a partner in hosting the Golf Tournament since 2014. Both Path to Shine and St. Benedict's share the proceeds.
Path to Shine is still an Outreach Ministry of St. Benedict's but it has its own structure and governance, it is considered a ministry of St. Benedict's parish, although the ministry happens with leadership from all over the diocese in many different sites.
The Ugly Pants Contest
Each year, a contest is held to determine who is wearing the ugliest Pants at the Ugly Pants Tournament. This year Bishop Wright was the judge.
The photos below show the Bishop judging each pair of Ugly Pants so he can select the winner
(watch the video to see the winner)
The Ugly Pants contest is part of the following video:
Overview of
Path to Shine - Ugly Pants Golf Tournament
October 6, 2017
October 6, 2017
Held at the Dogwood Country Club, Austell
Ugly Pants Golf Event - Benefit for Path to Shine
What's Next?
"Ugly Pant's" in 2021
Ugly Pants 2021 - Fun for All!
Monday, April 19, 2021 Golf Tournament:
We will be playing at
(Indian Hills Country Club)
Dinner & Entertainment:
Do to the pandemic, the Dinner & Entertainment evening portion of the Ugly Pants" Tournament will be postponed until later in the year, when it can be held without the threat of the pandemic causing concerns to those who will be attending
(below is a description of last year's program)
Dinner & Entertainment Evening: Saturday evening, 7PM at St. Benedict's will feature a delicious dinner served up with love by Mike Jones under the watchful eye of Lynn Strickland, and a host of awesome volunteers.
Entertainment will be led by our own Auctioneer Extraordinaire, Mr. Sam Belcher, as he leads us all through a "don't-wave-or-you'll-buy-it" live auction. Silent auction and raffle will round out the evening! We expect to sell out, so get your tickets while you can.
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